Friday, January 20, 2012

Open MS Office documents with MS Office through nautilus

See reply below for updated solution.

The general form is: wine "C:\path\to\irfanview" '""Z:%f""'

So for MS word for instance:
  Right click on .docx file and select open with-> custom
  Enter the following: 

wine "c:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\WINWORD.EXE" '""Z:%f""'

The Z and %f have to do with the fact that wine apps locate Linux files through the virtual z: drive, and %f inserts a filename.


  1. This didn't fully solve my problem, still working on it.

  2. With Ubuntu 12.10 the above solution doesn't seem to exist, but from

    Set the default program to open a type of file
    1. In Nautilus, right-click on any file with the desired filetype or extension, choose "Properties" from the context menu.

    2. The "Properties" dialog appears. Click on the "Open With" tab.

    3. Select the desired application for the given filetype. All files with the same extension will now be opened with this program by default.

    And simply choosing Wine Windows Program Loader seems to do the trick.
