Thursday, February 14, 2013

Install Microsoft Office 2010 in 64 bit Arch Linux

This might actually help someone other than me... I am running 64 bit Arch Linux and last November or so I installed Office2010 using PlayOnLinux with no problems.
Unfortunately I had to re-install Arch about a week ago (Early February) and afterwards my Office applications would no longer start (my home is on a separate partition so I didn't have to reinstall Office). Nothing I tried could get Office 2010 to work properly. I deleted my .wine and .PlayOnLinux folders and tried to reinstall.
I either couldn't get it to install, or could get it to install, but activation over the Internet would not work. I didn't want to call Microsoft even though that would probably have been the easiest solution. I tried exporting WINEARCH="win32" but the installer then crashed.

What I finally had to do was uninstall wine and all its dependencies and then install bin32-wine-snapshot from the AUR. After that everything was just great.

# packer -S bin32-wine-snapshot     # or yaourt or whatever...
$ export WINEPREFIX="${HOME}/.msoffice2010"
$ export WINEARCH="win32"
$ wine my-installer.exe
Done, and it activated with no issue.

Note: For anyone interested I ran Wireshark during the unsuccessful activation before installing the 32 bit version of wine, here's what happened:
  1. Me ->        HTTPS: SYN     -> Microsoft
  2. Microsoft -> HTTPS: SYN/ACK -> Me
  3. Me ->        HTTPS: ACK     -> Microsoft
  4. Me ->        HTTPS: FIN     -> Microsoft
I have no idea why but Office after establishing the connection immediately closed it.


  1. Holy smokes, this worked. I was having the same activation problem.

    From one Arch user to another: thanks!

    1. That's great, this stuff is really just so I can remember it wihtout having to relearn, but I figured sooner or later some of it would help someone else as well.

    2. Could it be possible if you can explain how did you activated your Office copy? Thanks for the enormous help!!

    3. It activated itself via the Internet once I got the proper wine installed (bin32-wine-snapshot).
