Thursday, August 18, 2016

Ralink RT3290 Bluetooth in Arch Linux

I've been having all sorts of weird issues getting bluetooth to work in Arch. My card is the Ralink RT3290 Wireless 802.11n 1T/1R PCIe which is both a WiFi and Bluetooth controller.

Found this on the Arch AUR site ( and I knew I was on the right track because the author mentioned his machine would freeze when rmmod the bluetooth driver which is a symptom I also had.

By the way, you also need to have installed the rtbth-dkms package from the AUR (and linux-headers). And finally, afterwards I couldn't get high quality sound (A2DP) to work until I unpaired and re-paired my head phones....WHEW.
And oh yeah, everytime I shutdown I get a "watchdog didn't stop" and after a minute or so of waiting I have to hard power off. Still looking into that, but didn't happen before all this.

1. blacklist the module to Prevent it from load on boot:
#echo "blacklist rtbth" > /etc/modprobe.d/ralink-bt.conf

2. Local script, / usr / local / sbin / rtbth, to load and start rtbt tool:

sleep 5
/sbin/modprobe --ignore-install rtbth; /usr/bin/mknod /dev/rtbth c 192 0; /usr/bin/rtbt &

3. systemctl service, the /etc/systemd/system/rtbth.service file:

Description = Fix rtbth bluetooth after gmd start
After = display-manager.service

Type = oneshot
ExecStart =/usr/local/sbin/rtbth
TimeoutSec = 0
RemainAfterExit = true

WantedBy =

4. enable it to start on boot:
#systemctl enable rtbth

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